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Beam me up... Infrared and Near Infrared therapy

Hi everyone. As flagged in an earlier post Taking my Health by the Horns, I recently purchased the Well Red Coronet, a helmet device which draws on Infrared and Near Infrared therapy or photobiomodulation therapy (if you want to be fancy).

I am neither a doctor nor a medical researcher but I thought it might be useful to outline a (very) basic understanding of the relevance of photobiomodulation to Parkinson's Disease. Go easy on me.

  • While the underlying causes of Parkinson's Disease remain unclear, some of the leading theories revolve around genetic and environmental factors including the the accumulation of Lewy bodies containing alpha-synculien. From what I can work out, the thinking is that these little buggers attack dopamine-producing neurons. Mitochondrial dysfunction and changes in the gut biome have also been identified as key environmental factors (Salehpour & Hamblin, 2020).

  • Red light therapy - which has been around for decades - is beneficial for mitochondria by reducing inflammation and improving mitochondrial function. The mitochondria are the energy powerhouse of our neurons (for a simple explanation see

  • As a consequence, the use of red light therapy may help protect and repair neurons by improving mitochondrial function and help stimulate new neurons. Given Parkinson's is a degenerative condition, the more I can protect and maintain my dopamine-producing neurons the better!

So, here goes. Personally, I hope my use of the Coronet can reduce my physical and cognitive fatigue. If it can help improve my experience of pain then that would be a bonus :)

My first clip introduces you to the Well Red Coronet. I stress that I have not received any incentive from Well Red - I'm approaching this from a purely self-motivated perspective. I've got to say though, it's a pretty nifty looking unit. I thought this might be helpful because sometimes it's good to get a look at something before you cough up your cash...

My second clip shows you the Coronet fully set up. I hope you enjoy it!

I'll be adding updates over the coming weeks so stay tuned. And please - feel free to ask questions or make comments - it is so good to hear from others' experiences.


Some references are below. If you'd like to find out more, try

Hamblin, M. 2016. Shining light on the head: Photobiomodulation for brain disorders. BBA Clinical 6. Retrieved from:

Mitrofanis J, Henderson LA. How and why does photobiomodulation change brain activity?. Neural Regen Res. 2020;15(12):2243-2244. doi:10.4103/1673-5374.284989

Salehpour, F., and Hamblin, M. 2020. Photobiomodulation for Parkinson's Disease in Animal Models: A Systematic Review. Biomolecules, 10(610). Retrieved from

1 Comment

Nov 13, 2021

Thank you for sharing your journey with the coronet. I look forward to following along

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