Just about any person living with Parkinson's will talk about the challenges of finding the right mix of medications and interventions to maximise quality of life and prognosis.
Fourteen months on and I'm still finding the right mix of medications and interventions for me. It was however a Parkinson's seminar which left me most frustrated and deflated recently. After a few days I realised why - where was the emerging research, the areas for exploration, the hope? It was then that Parkinson Australia's advice to 'take charge of your health' really hit home. I decided I couldn't sit back and wait.
So, I decided to pull on my big girl pants and I've selected two interventions to start with, which will work with my existing medication regime:
Photobiomodulation or Infrared and Near Infrared Light therapy and
Improving gut health with a focus on antioxidants
Both of these interventions have an evidence base in medical and science journals, and over time I'll add a couple of papers (at the moment I'm totally over reading them!). Neither intervention will cause me harm. It seems to me they are worth a shot.
I'll be running separate blogs on each intervention and I invite you to follow with me. I'm hoping that tracking something from the perspective of a person with lived experience may be useful. I would value your feedback and thoughts - including what else may be worth investigating.
As always, seek your own medical advice. I am no doctor and something that assists me may not be appropriate for you.
Hi Sonya Coule you tell me where you bought your Infrared and Near Infrared Light therapy from & how much it cost?
Interested in both interventions. I started seeing a functional gp just after dx and started doing infrared saunas about 9 months ago. How's the coronet going?
Always the right way to approach these conditions Sonya. I will let you know if I come across anything.