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An anniversary of sorts: 2 years since diagnosis - YOPD

Hi and welcome to Living with Parky's and spring...

It was my birthday yesterday which means it was two years ago I walked into the Movement Disorders Clinic, a little nervous and apprehensive but hopeful I'd find out what was going on with my body. I'd been losing my balance - not falling but stumbling backwards - and experiencing a multitude of things which were driving me bonkers. I didn't think they were related but I'd written them all down, including in my tiny 4 font handwriting that my writing had gotten smaller... turns out many if not all were related. To Young Onset Parkinson's Disease.

Today I am living a good life - one in which I feel I have come back to myself, re-connected with the person I was and was afraid I was losing. I live with gratitude to have incredible medical supports. a loving family and friends, and work which fulfills me professionally and personally.

It is still a hard day. I will never forget walking out of that bloody clinic. I suspect every person who has received a diagnosis they didn't want can relate. A reflective day for me today. Thank you and take care. Son

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Sep 03, 2022

Thank you Sue. I think connecting with others- in whatever form it takes is powerful. It helps us and may validate others with similar experiences but may not be able to share. Thank you for your comment. Kia kaha. Xx


Sue Waight
Sue Waight
Sep 03, 2022

2 years since diagnosis. An Anniversary, but not one where you can be wished a 'Happy Anniversary' unlike other milestones. Not that we can't be happy, far from it, but the day of our diagnosis is not one with happy memories attached. I know that for me - my anniversary is 15/12 and this year will be two years for me. I found my Blog to be so important in helping me to deal with my challenges and think them through. Parkies has made me appreciate life, love and laughter even more and family are an important part of that. Keep trucking on and as we say in NZ 'Kia Kaha' be strong.

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