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Deep Brain Stimulation - and the possibility of hope

Hi everyone and welcome to Living with Parky.

Late last year my neurologist referred me to a specialist in Melbourne to be assessed for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS).

I am currently being assessed to determine whether I am a suitable candidate and I invite you to join with me as I navigate this process - and if all goes well - the surgery phase and recovery.

DBS offers hope which can sometimes feel in short supply when living with a progressive condition like Parkinson's Disease. It isn't a cure and the disease will continue to progress but for many people it can improve quality of life. And buy time.

In this post I have included some clips:

Clip 1: introduces the process on which I'll be embarking upon

Clip 2: provides info on the steps and my experience with meeting the Neurologist and my Psychiatrist examination. Funny enough, the cognitive assessment provided me some healing from my last cognitive assessment, undertaken on the day I was given a preliminary diagnosis.

For those unfamiliar with DBS - here is a link to a you tube clip I found helpful:

I hope you are able to join me. Love Son

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