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Update! Team Young Parky's and the Point to Pinnacle

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

20 November - One day to go

Yikes! It's here!

Alex Miles - t-shirt designer, daughter June, Son's daughter Lucy and Son

In about 24 hours Team Young Onset Parky's will be wending our way up Kunanyi-Mt Wellington as part of the Point 2 Pinnacle or Point to Pub.

I'm feeling both excited and nervous about the event tomorrow! More significantly however I'm also feeling deeply humbled and grateful for the support we have received from every one of you.

To our Team Young Onset Parky's - 52 people who committed to join us as Team Young Onset Parky's. Friends, family, my work family the Sexual Assault Support Service. Thank you to Yvette Edward for her training program, walks, and tips. Thank you to Alex Miles for designing our t-shirts.

To our wonderful sponsors - Paul Mills from Oaked-Gold, UPC\AC Renewables Australia, Mr Andrew Wilkie MP and Narayani Wellness. Thanks to you we'll be the best dressed team - and with those orange socks very very noticeable!

To our friends, friends of friends, community members, thank you for your kind donations to our selected charity Shake It Up Foundation Australia. Thanks to you we have raised 10 TIMES my target of $750, clocking up $7,543. Your kindness, messages of support and generosity are overwhelming.

I keep saying thank you but it comes from the heart. Living with Parkinson's is challenging and at times I want to hide from the world. But it is times like this - with the support and care of our community - that I feel hope and gratitude. Thank you.

Latest News! 13 October

Well, I never thought we'd be at this point! I'm thrilled to announce the following:

Team Young Onset Parky's is top of the P2P leaderboard as the top fundraising team! Check it out: (note 20 November - that honour has now gone to the residents opposed to the cable car. Congratulations to them).

And what's more:

  1. We have 52 participants in either the Point to Pub or the Point to Pinnacle! Thanks to Yvette Edward for getting us up that mountain.

  2. We've ordered our Team t-shirts and socks! Thanks to always amazing Alex Miles we'll be looking smmmoooootthhhhh - except maybe for the socks! Check out the final designs below.

  3. We've raised almost $6,000 for Shake It Up Foundation Australia for Parkinson's research.

A huge shout out to our amazing sponsors and their generous support:

Our team t-shirts!

Team Young Onset and the P2P


2016 - My training run to the top of Kunanyi

I have long wanted to run the Point to Pinnacle in Hobart. One of the toughest half marathons around, it winds 1200+ metres up Kunanyi (Mt Wellington). In 2016 I finished a 17km training run to the top, complete with snow and a chilly 2 degrees. My poor planning however left me with hypothermia as I rode back down on my bike, my hands frozen to the handlebars. I got sick. I didn't run.

Fast forward to 2021 and I've been living with YOPD for 12 months. After wanting to do something to help raise awareness of PD and YOPD and talking to my husband, Team Young Onset Parky's was created. I won't be running, but I'll be there walking - and surrounded by a wonderful team of people.

And I have to admit, it's pretty funny that despite all those years of being fit and running it is only now with YOPD that I may achieve my goal of getting up that bloody mountain!

Below is a clip I made for my P2P fundraising page and why I selected Shake It Up, an Australian organisation funding research. If nothing else, please watch as it sums up why we created the team.

If you ever intended to do the P2P, please think about joining me. The link is here:

For those who cannot make it but would like to support the cause, please consider donating to our fundraising page for Shake It Up. I selected Shake It Up because this organisation works with the Michael J Fox Foundation to fund Australian research into Parkinsons Disease. 100% of donations go to research. Please have a look and share with your networks if that is okay and appropriate.

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